
Thursday, 15 October 2020

Te Oro’s Tukutuku panel Questions

 Te Oro’s Tukutuku panel - Questions

Please read the article on here before answering the questions.

1) What does the tukutuku panel present?

→ an artistic expression of Te Oro’s visual identity

2) Who was the identity created by?

a) Alt Group and Ngāti Pāoa

b) Ngātio Pāoa and Glen Innes Group 

c) Alt Group

d) Ngāti Pāoa

3) Who endorsed the identity of the Tukutuku panel?

a) Ngāti Whatua and Ngātu Pāoa

b) Ngāti Pāoa and Ngāti Tai Ki Tāmaki

c) Ngāti Whatua and Ngāti Tai Ki Tāmaki

d) Ngāti Tai Ki Tāmaki and Alt Group

4) How long did it take to create the Tukutuku panel?

a) 2 years

b) 1 month 

c) 4 months

d) 2 months 

5) What Marae were they based at?

Maungarei - Mt Wellington

6) Te Roopū Raranga o Tāmaki Makaurau is a collective of what?

→ of artists and weavers

7) Who were the weavers involved in the project?

→ Ngāti Whātua, and Tessa Harris and Huhana Turei from Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki

8) What visually reverberates optically through the pattern?
a) Past and present

b) Present and future 

c) Past and future

d) Just the past

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